• With FlipFast, saving time is inevitable, but if you're interested in using FlipFast to make more money by giving you the best possibility of grabbing the best deals in your market, here are some practices to maximize the potential for that:

    1. For whatever email platform you are using (gmail, yahoo, etc) download the app for that email onto your phone. We recommend gmail for a more seamless process but use whatever you are most comfortable with.

    2. Set up the email you get listings sent to inside the app and make sure it’s the only email in the email app.

    3. Turn on notifications for the email app so you get a notification each time an email comes in.

    4. If you're in acquire mode, un-silence your phone so you get an audible sound when the email app sends you a notification.

    5. Now you’ll get a visual and audible notification each time a listing gets posted! Giving you the best chance at being the first to reach out and get the best deals

  • Congratulations on embarking on the journey of automation to give you and your business an edge against the competition, more time back into each day, and a much better chance at scooping up the best deals in your area.

    Did you know you can run multiple searches? Just open a new tab and do the same process to start a new search on that tab. You can create up to three searches on each platform we support - Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist.

    After starting a scan, you can sit back and let the software do the work for you. FlipFast will automatically run your search on the online marketplaces you've chosen and send you notifications via email as new listings become available that match your criteria.

    To stay up-to-date on new listings, simply check your email regularly. When you see a listing that you're interested in, you can click on the provided link to view the listing on the marketplace's website and contact the seller.

  • You can create up to three searches on each platform we support - Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist.

    To do that just open a new tab for each search you want to run, set up your search criteria on whichever platform you’re looking at, and start the extension!

  • If your FlipFast search is stopping, there are a few steps you can try to fix the issue:

    1. Check that you have an active internet connection.

    2. Make sure your chrome extension is up to date by going to the Chrome Web Store listing and checking for updates.

    3. If the extension is still not working, try disabling and re-enabling the extension. To do this, go to chrome://extensions/ in your browser, find the FlipFast extension, and click the toggle switch to disable it. Then click the toggle switch again to re-enable it.

    4. If the extension is still not working after trying these steps, try uninstalling and reinstalling the extension. To do this, go to chrome://extensions/ in your browser, find the FlipFast extension, and click the "Remove" button. Then go to the Chrome Web Store listing and install it again, restart your search(es) and see if that fixes it.

    5. If you continue to have issues with the extension, please don't hesitate to contact us by reaching out through the extensions contact form in the settings menu. We'll be happy to help troubleshoot the issue and get your extension working again.

  • Flipfast currently works with Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist. Navigate to any of those sites to save time and make more money with FlipFast.

  • FlipFast will only send you an email if the extension finds a new listing - so you won’t receive an email update every time it scans unless there is something new to send you.

    If it looks like you’re not receiving emails but you can see the extension is scanning new items then the emails might be going to your spam or promotions folder. This does happen sometimes since you are likely going to be receiving a lot of emails from us.

    If this is happening there are a couple things you can do to fix this issue:

    Drop down menu select (or however is easiest for them to select either of these options): Gmail / Yahoo


    1. Check the spam folder: Go to your spam folder and search for emails from FlipFast. If you find any emails there, click on the email to open it, and then click the "Not spam" button to move it to your main inbox.

    2. Create a filter: You can also create a filter to automatically move emails from FlipFast to your main inbox. To do this, go to your main inbox and click the checkmark on an email from FlipFast. Then to the right of all the options that appear click the three vertical dots for more options. Click "Filter messages like these" and select the "Create filter" button on the bottom of the drop down. Make sure the following options are selected: "Never send it to spam", "Categorize as: Primary", and “Also apply filters to matching conversations”. Click "Create filter" to save the changes. You may need to refresh the page to see the updates. If that doesn’t move them from your Promotions tab to Primary you may need to do these steps from within your Promotions tab.

    3. Add FlipFast to your address book: Adding FlipFast to your address book or contact list can help prevent emails from being marked as spam. To do this, go to your main inbox and click on an email from FlipFast. Then click the "Add to contacts" button in the top right corner of the email.

    4. Check your account settings: If you are still not receiving emails from FlipFast, check your account settings to make sure you have not exceeded your storage limit or set up any rules that could be affecting the emails. You can find your account settings by clicking the "Settings" icon (gear icon) in the top right corner of your main inbox and then clicking "See all settings".

    5. Contact FlipFast: If you have tried all of these steps and are still not receiving emails from FlipFast, please reach out through the extensions contact form in the settings menu so we can help troubleshoot the issue.


    1. Check the spam folder: Go to your spam folder and search for emails from FlipFast. If you find any emails there, click on the email to open it, and then click the "Not spam" button to move it to your main inbox.

    2. Add FlipFast to your address book: Adding FlipFast to your address book or contact list can help prevent emails from being marked as spam. To do this, go to your main inbox and click on an email from FlipFast. Then click the "Add to contacts" button in the top right corner of the email.

    3. Check your account settings: If you are still not receiving emails from FlipFast, check your account settings to make sure you have not exceeded your storage limit or set up any rules that could be affecting the emails. You can find your account settings by clicking the "Settings" icon (gear icon) in the top right corner of your main inbox and then clicking "See all settings".

      4. Contact FlipFast: If you have tried all of these steps and are still not receiving emails from FlipFast, please reach out through the extensions contact form in the settings menu so we can help troubleshoot the issue.